Hello everyone!
Welcome to the start of another course, GIS Applications, Masters edition. As a recap, I am Brandon Deusenberry and It's great to work alongside a strong group of budding GIS professionals as we tackle a new set of skill challenges.
For the basics, I am early still early in the Masters Program, with a projected graduation of Fall '26. It cant get here soon enough! I am a full time active duty Air Force member. This July is my 21st anniversary in the service. It absolutely does not feel like it has been that long. I am a full motion video, remote sensing camera operator by trade. But nowadays my work time is more dedicated to leading and mentoring the enlisted members in my charge. I have a family with 4 crazy boys, each a different challenge, but all awesome.
Below is a link to my story map, which has both a bit about my history and some places I have been, but also some of our recent summertime adventures. Between full time work, family time, and school, I don't have as much free time as I would like. But I still try to get together with my DnD group, and or play video games with friends where able.
Hopefully, about the time I am done with the Master's program, I will be wrapping up my military career. From there I will combine both worlds' skills and move forward into a new one. While I can zone out and enjoy working on the technical aspects of GIS, I think I would much prefer a position that lets me help organize and lead a team of GIS professionals. But we will see what happens.
This intro also calls for some adjectives that I think describe me, so here are those:
silly, sarcastic, gruff, calm, thoughtful, useful
But I'll let you work with me and figure out some of your own, or if those are accurate.
My Story Map: