Saturday, March 9, 2024

Cartography Begins


It's time to start the next portion of the GIS adventure. Here we go into Cartography, GIS 5007. It's been a little over a semester since the last GIS class based on adding in some of the other GIS Admin programmatic requirements. But here I am back into the fun stuff! 

As a recap for those new to me, I am Brandon Deusenberry, and I am a graduate student in the GIS Admin Masters program. This is my second time to UWF. I was originally here back in 15-16, then skipped over to the University of Florida to finish out a Bachelor of Geography. And now I'm back to focus here. 

I spent 12 years in the Florida panhandle just down the beach from UWF. Then spent 4 years in Texas, survived a pandemic, and now I am in Las Vegas. Why so many moves you ask? I am Active Duty Air Force, have been for almost 21 years now. My background is in full motion video remote sensing, which is where the draw to GIS came from. 

Hopefully at the end of this program I will be able to combine my degree with the military experience and move into the professional civilian sector. At this point I think I would prefer helping to lead a team of GIS professionals, than doing the ground work myself. However, I am not afraid to dive into the computer and work through the creation, database management, conceptualization, and implementation of GIS myself. 

I really enjoy cartography, and particularly like how data can be used to creatively portray physical space in unique, odd, fun, yet informative ways. Even terrible maps that are violating all the rules for comedic or worse purposes. It's still creative. 

Well, I look forward to working with you! Please take a look at my story below, highlighting a few of the places I have been.

Story Map Link: 



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