Monday, September 4, 2023

Cartography and the Essential Elements: Lab Two

     Aesthetics are a big part of map making. But they aren't the only thing that go into it. Besides, there are as many aesthetic styles as there are map makers. What's more than aesthetics in map making? The professionalism which is demonstrated through the usage of essential elements. The essential elements that we are being taught to always incorporate into our maps include; Worthwhile Titles, Legend, North Arrow, Scale Bar, Attribution to Creator, Date and Sources, and Effective Bordering. 

    This week's lab was an exercise in employing the essential elements while generating a practical layout. As well as letting the creator start to get a feel for their own style. Big picture, it is an overview of where the UWF Main Campus is in Escambia County, Florida. It is highlighted alongside a couple of the prominent interstates and local cities. There is also an inset highlighting the county's location in the greater state area. 

    As I crafted this map I wanted to mute the background areas outside of the county, while still leaving them recognizable. Additionally, I wanted to draw focus to the lower portion of the map where UWF is, and where most of the key elements are. The brightest item is the red star indicating UWF, and everything else surrounds that. All of the text elements outside of the Key were manual entry text to afford me the most flexibility with the font and background sizing, positioning, and manipulation. 

    One area that I feel is underutilized is the semi-void square that is northern Escambia County. While I did think about putting the logo in that region I thought it would unnecessarily draw attention to that area. I thought it better to have the logo adjacent to the campus location, even outside the county to keep from obscuring other elements but to be in visual line with the campus. 

    There is plenty of alternative options that could have been made with the legend, inset, and open county space, but I think it is well balanced with the more subtle elements like the source, creator, date, scale, and north arrows information presentation. Ultimately, for highlighting UWF amongst the rest of the county and starting the creative journey, I think it is successful. Thank you.



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