Saturday, August 26, 2023

ArcGIS Pro Overview - Lab One

 Simple Worldview

    That's exactly what this is, a simple worldview used as an introductory model to explore the basics of  ArcGIS Pro. This was a happy experience working in the very basics. Hopefully the rust will continue to knock off as easily in future lessons. For now, let's discuss a little about the orientation and maps features, and then a note on what is lacking. 
    First, the data is a combination of two provided shape files which provide the boundaries for the countries of the world, and then the cities overlayed on top of those. Both of these are over an ArcGIS pro base map, which is the underlying graphic depiction of the oceans and landmasses of the world.
    The white to dark green continuous color scale is representative of the total country population in 2007 utilizing a Jenks Natural Breaks method with 7 scales to assign the color. Ultimately I chose a green scale because I think it aesthetically pairs well with the blue oceans, but we also want to think of nature as verdant and lush, and in this case, we are highlighting land and water contrast, even despite the population delineation. 
    The cities represented as a black circle/dot with white outline provides contrast with the majority of the map despite their location. There are 2,539 named cities represented across this worldview. They are all represented with the same symbol despite ranging in population from under 50,000 to 5 million. 
While I continually call this a simple worldview, there are several steps that went into its successful creation. From having the base data provided, to being able to appropriately layer the contents, to building a page-based layout to then import the visual extent of the map into, and ultimately to exporting that page and the image above.  
    Now there are some missing features which will make future maps more complete. Those are the 'map essentials' not pictured here. They include things like scalebar, north arrow, consolidated legend for colors and symbols, incorporated title, more clear attribution, etc. For now though, as an introductory project this image will suffice. More to follow. 

Thank you,


Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Welcome: A New Start

The Wheel of Time turns,and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again."

- Robert Jordan

This is not the beginning nor ending of the turning of the Wheel of Time. But it is a beginning. A fresh start on a new path, a path once taken. A renewal to walking down the path, but also at a new starting point. 
I started this path in 2015 as an Argonaut who would end up with a certificate in GIS. From there the journey carried me to become a Gator, and to finish a Bachelor of Arts in Geography, minoring in Anthropology. I now pick up the mantle of Argonaut again, sailing forth in the Masters of Science in GIS Administration. 
Here it starts, with a review, in GIS 5050. Join me...



Special Topics - Mod 3 - Lab 6 - Aggregation and Scale

 Hello and Welcome back!  My how time has flown. It has almost been 8 weeks, and 6 different labs. There have been so many topics covered in...